084 I good you bidet!

“Good news, you get some really toned and defined glutes. Bad news, they’re like pistons for turds.”

“I feel like the term ‘listener’ is offensive to fractions’”
“I feel like fractions are an insult to infinite mathematics.”
“I feel like infinite mathematics are offensive to neverending vertices.”
“I feel like never ending vertices are offensive to theoretical mind constructs.”

“Open seizure on mind game”

“Go Fukushima yourself!”

“‘United States of Earth’… it’s states of mind. They’re not physical states anymore. States have been recategorized as how you feel. Geography is an opinion. I disagree with that mountain!”

“I should be able to sort through the bargain bin of women… which is essentially what prostitution is.”

“You can’t just have sex with a girl and not like, appreciate her and shit, by buying her stuff.”

“Do robots congregate or aggregate?”