062 Sugar-Free Daddy

“I was shaming myself amongst the northern lights…”

“Full blown whore”

“You have to have real friends to be like ‘That was out of line. That was dumb. Don’t do that.’” – “And you have to have real strangers to tell you ‘You’re a douchebag. I don’t know you.’”

“That’s what twinder’s all about: Swatting people aside like cats. You don’t have a swipe you have a swat.”

“North Whoresland: Where all the whores and horses is”

“I felt like I was miniaturized and sleeping on a billiard table where the bumpers were cats.”

“If I had to choose one word to describe most soap dispensers it’s ‘rib-cagey’. I think most people would agree.”

“Rip Cage Bacon”

“Biweekly I will clean a quarter of my apartment. Then I will tucker out and sit down.”

“That’s why when I have kids I’m going to sign the bastardization papers. I think that’s a thing, right? I think that all those deadbeat dads, they do sign official papers, right? Deadbeating them of any involvement. Something like that – The Deadbeat Clause.”

“Was it muzzling whores that offended you?”

“Additionally, you know, to get things back on track, I am accessing a stockpile of frozen turds… out of my freezer, to throw in there. To make it nice and cold and make it scatalogical. Scatillogical.”

“If I go down the slippery slope headfirst maybe I can convince myself I’m sliding up.”

“There are probably plinko pegs in the slippery slope”

“The burning fires of hell for gingers is just the sun on a sunny day.”